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Terrible Tuesday: Birthday Edition

On the occasion of my 39th birthday, let us recall that on this date:

  • In 1789, George Washington takes the oath of office, becoming the first president of the United States of America.
  • The Louisiana Purchase is purchased in 1803, doubling the size of the U.S.
  • Willie Nelson is born in1933.
  • Hitler committed suicide on this day in 1945.
  • Witches are apparently flying around in Germany.
  • And Saigon fell to the communists on my 1st birthday.

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Well, okay then.

Birthday links!

Malicious but Delicious. I wonder how fire ants taste? Evil devil beasties.

My circumstances are different than this lady’s, but I can very much relate. “Sometimes you just need people to care that you’re there.”

Very handy cheat sheet of shortcuts for typographical symbols.

typographical symbols

I’d sacrifice a lot to help a friend or a family member, but what would I sacrifice for a complete stranger?

I linked to the article about the cross-country, multi-year game of tag in January. Now they’re making a movie with Jack Black and Will Ferrell. Hmmmm.

Ladies and gentlemen, the U.N.

I have garden envy.


You may have heard that Congress is debating an internet sales tax, or maybe you haven’t heard — these things get lost in the shuffle of a very busy month, news-wise. Anyway, Megan McArdle writes about the problems inherent in the idea.

Another “lost in the shuffle” Congressional matter is the Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act. Here’s an infographic laying out some concerns, and more information here. There are serious civil liberties concerns here.

Both of these bills passed the house in the last days of April, while we were all otherwise engaged. I’m sure that was purely coincidental. /sarc/ You  still have time to call your Senators and ask them to vote against these bills.

This is amazing: a synagogue hidden in a teapot.

Happy 80th, Mr. Red Headed Stranger. I’m proud to share the day with you.


Now everyone, go eat some cake!

2 responses to “Terrible Tuesday: Birthday Edition”

  1. […] week, I briefly mentioned the Internet Sales Tax being considered in Congress–it actually already passed the House of […]

  2. […] week, I briefly mentioned the Internet Sales Tax being considered in Congress–it actually already passed the House of […]

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