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Taking the Challenge

Barb at The Heart of Harmony is issuing a Green Challenge: No Child Left Inside. (As much as I despise the stupid NCLB law, I like how she turned evil for good.)

She’s doing a great nature study challenge for homeschoolers, and, like her great fine arts program, this one seems to be just my speed. It’s not too time demanding and doesn’t call for special equipment or special purchases. (She’s even linked to The Handbook of Nature Study online!)

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If you’re looking to incorporate nature studies in your education, this looks like a great place to start. Come join the fun!

2 responses to “Taking the Challenge”

  1. Barb-Harmony Art Mom Avatar
    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

    I am so glad you are joining us for the challenge. Keep us posted on how it goes for you.

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  2. Tina Avatar

    Yes, I am so glad Barb started this as well. I can’t wait until I get a few weeks under my belt though. I feel a little lost about it all.

    But we have finished assingment 1 and will do assignment 2 tomrrow with another homeschooling family.

    What a blessing this is!


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