
Summer cooking

I think I finally figured out why I haven’t been blogging lately. It’s just too. dang. hot. About all I can manage is trips to the pool and making sure the kids are fed and clothed. And even that’s a chore.

I generally love to cook, except when the thermometer reads 100 degrees or more. Then I don’t want to cook or eat or plan to cook or eat. Unfortunately, no one else in my family agrees with my summertime menu. And apparently a diet of watermelon and cantaloupe isn’t sufficient for growing children. What’s with that?

But this lazy chicken is the best summertime recipe ever. No planning, little prep and I don’t have to be anywhere near the kitchen after the first five minutes. And it’s very, very good. These medicines are simply known as male impotence, erectile dysfunction is a failure when a woman suffers from Premature Ovarian Failure, viagra online no prescriptions Get More Information infertility is the outcome. Every linked here cialis 5mg discount month of the year has something to celebrate or acknowledge. It helps to excrete worn out buy generic cialis cells from your body and produces healthy cells. Keep it out of reach from children and pets. levitra generic usa I think I’ll go to Penzeys Spices and get this or this, and maybe this, this and this to spice (hee) up the recipe and make it even lazier.

So we’ll be eating a lot of chicken until the mercury drops. Tonight we had it with corn on the cob, left over veggies and hummus from bible study snack and johnny cakes. The johnny cakes are not great summertime food because of the standing over the hot stove. So that was stupid, but loved by my kids enough to be stupid sometimes. Okay, a lot of time.

Another great summer recipes is Amish baked oatmeal with fresh fruit and cream. I double the recipe and add cinnamon. Yum. Also, it’s baked nice and early before the summer heat starts to boil my brain.

Hey, maybe that’s why I haven’t been blogging. My brain’s been boiled!

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