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Success and vulnerability

Okay, go get a tissue and watch this.

Done?  Composed? Have another tissue.

This man’s achievement is amazing, but what is even more impressive to me is his willingness to be vulnerable.   He not only took pictures of himself overweight attempting yoga poses (not always easy when you aren’t overweight), he posted video of a fat man trying to do yoga and falling on YouTube.  Have you ever read the comments on YouTube? The most hateful, obscene, badly spelled insults that were ever typed are in the comments on YouTube.

That’s courage.  It occurs to me that you can’t be courageous without being vulnerable.  You can’t be brave unless you live honestly and openly.  I don’t know if he worried about what people would think when he posted that video.  He probably did, who wouldn’t?  The point isn’t that he didn’t care, the point is that he did it anyway.

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And here is where I must be honest.  When it comes to vulnerability, to opening my heart and my life, I am risk averse.  “What will people think” looms large in my tendency to keep my mouth shut when it comes to my struggles, my hopes, and my dreams.  “I’ll succeed first and share second.”  But I don’t think it works that way.

Do you?


(I got this via the misnamed 22 Words.  This is definitely a blog you need to follow on facebook, in your RSS reader, or in your blogroll. Abraham Piper always has thoughtful, hilarious, or bizarre things to share. Sometimes all three!)

3 responses to “Success and vulnerability”

  1. Marie Bernadette (@MbernadetteeE) Avatar
    Marie Bernadette (@MbernadetteeE)

    Oh, vulnerability. I’m continuously learning this, over and over again… It takes courage to overwhelm the ‘risk is bad!!111’ voice, but being courageous leads to being vulnerable which is risky. Gah.

    1. April Avatar

      It seems counterintuitive: the more you risk, the more you succeed, but there you have it.

  2. Carrie Avatar

    I am working on this very thing. Read any book written by brene brown or just watch her TED talks. Love you

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