Still thankful

I woke up with this song in my head.



To be sure, I am worried about my country’s future. I believe things are going to get very bad, rather quickly, and most people won’t know what hit them. We’re headed for a steep tax increase, both in various Obamacare taxes and “rolling back the Bush tax cuts” (dear people, when your taxes go up from what they’ve been for the past decade, that’s a tax increase.) Many of the Obamacare provisions are going to start kicking in, and it’s not going to be pretty. And globally? Well, duck and cover. (This isn’t to mention the fact that we have re-elected the most pro-abortion president in the nation’s history, one who actively argued for infanticide.)

I think it’s going to look bad, and many people will be all doomy-gloomy, head for the hills.

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God is sovereign and I am a citizen of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

I’ll pray for my country, I’ll do the work my King has called me to do, and I’ll trust in the God who holds all things in his hands.

A passenger ship on the high seas was in the midst of a horrible storm. A pastor approaches the captain, “Captain, how bad is it.” The captain responds, “We’ve done all we can do, now we can only trust in God.” “Oh, Captain,” the pastor cries, “is it as bad as all that?”

I’m thankful that it’s always been as bad as all that.

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