Remember the Alamo!

remember the Alamo

177 years ago today, 200 Texians fell to the much larger Mexican force after holding out for 13 days. Among the dead were legends like Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie as well as the young co-commander Col. William Travis.  While looking for quotes on Texas for Texas Independence Day, I came across this quote that encapsulates what The Alamo means to Texans better than anything I’ve read.

“I like Texas and Texans. In Texas, everything is bigger. When Texans win, they win big. And when they lose, it’s spectacular.
If you really want to learn the attitude of how to handle risk, losing and failure, go to San Antonio and visit the Alamo. The Alamo is a great story of brave people who chose to fight, knowing there was no hope of success against overwhelming odds. They chose to die instead of surrendering. It’s an inspiring story worthy of study; nonetheless, it’s still a tragic military defeat. They got their butts kicked. A failure if you will. They lost. So how do Texans handle failure? They still shout, “Remember the Alamo!”
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Texans don’t bury their failures. They get inspired by them. They take their failures and turn them into rallying cries. Failure inspires Texans to become winners. But that formula is not just the formula for Texans. It is formula for all winners.”
Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Children About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Don’t

One response to “Remember the Alamo!”

  1. […] Today is the 179th anniversary of the Fall of the Alamo, which we remember as we are commanded. […]

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