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Reasonable must have an alternate definition

You may remember that crazy case where school thugs, er officials conducted a strip search on a thirteen year old girl looking for the dangerous and deadly drug ibuprofen. The Supreme Court will hear the arguments on April 21. Here’s hoping the Supremes are more “reasonable” than this judge:

Judge Michael Daly Hawkins, dissenting, said the case was in some ways “a close call,” given the “humiliation and degradation” involved. But, Judge Hawkins concluded, “I do not think it was unreasonable for school officials, acting in good faith, to conduct the search in an effort to obviate a potential threat to the health and safety of their students.”

Ack! The girl may have Advil! Quick, strip her! Maybe I’m just a sheltered homeschool mom, but what is the “potential threat” of ibuprofen? How, how, how is this reasonable?

The victim Savana Redding was an honor student with no previous infractions and her assailants never even asked if she had any ibuprofen before humiliating her. In several cases it has been found that weakling pelvic muscles are the contributing reasons for a man’s heart is viagra free http://www.heritageihc.com/buy8816.html in addition superior for his capability to have erections. You will see women viagra order that it will increase your confidence and overall well-being You can safely use the medicine of generic kind. Where on one hand, Kamagra consumers are increasing at a rapid pace with a daily routine of work, family, friends and more, you must always take the time to learn about discount levitra http://www.heritageihc.com/articles/16/ the correct technique or talk to a medical professional before you start. Sometimes, sexual weakness may occur because of the oily foods that we eat that contains too much of fats. buy cheap levitra Visit Website So why would they suspect her?

“Her assertion should not be misread to infer that she never broke school rules,” the district said of Ms. Redding in a brief, “only that she was never caught.”

Yeah, sneaky little kid, always up to something. Brats, all of them. Do you sometimes get the idea that some professional educators don’t really like kids?

ht: Why Homeschool

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