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Pronouns: a noun that has lost its amateur status

This is a cross post from our private family blog. I thought of it today because Little Miss asked me a question with 27 pronouns and vague references to “things” and “thingys”, but without any specific nouns.

The following is a transcript of a conversation between Little Miss and my mom from last March when my mom and grandma were here helping us get settled. Please note, Little Miss is 6 here and just as prim as she sounds.

Little Miss: “Why do you and Great Grandma call things ‘deal?’”

Mom: “What do you mean call thing ‘deal?’”

Little Miss: “You call things ‘deal.”

Mom: “What do you call them?”

Little Miss: “I call them by their names.”

Mom: “What if you don’t know their name?”

Little Miss: “Well then I don’t call them.”

Mom thinks “I don’t do that!” And says, “Why don’t y’all sit on that deal, I mean piano bench.”

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