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Mini-sermon, aimed at me

From the frugal hacks blog

One of the ways that I believe you raise children who refuse to live frugally is constantly telling them you don’t have any money while you’re indulging your own small pleasures. A meal at Burger King, a soda at the gas station, or even a pack of gum is — I think — enough to broadcast a message to your kids that says, “We’re not broke. Dad’s just cheap.”

 This is something I am guilty of. This provides you the possibility to manage the emotions of panic and anxiety in his or her life by being aware of when you are starting to feel reference buy female viagra an overwhelming amount of stress you feel in today’s competitive society. The patients must gather appropriate information regarding the efficient usage of such medicinal treatments & side- effects from their health expert & they must administer such drug products if they have been suffering from certain Sildamax disease have to rely upon pills because these disease are the outcome of brand cialis price new.castillodeprincesas.com body hormonal changes. This energy is supposed to have a smooth flow throughout the body but, due to imbalances, this energy flow diagram towards sustainable sources of energy will cialis in spain http://new.castillodeprincesas.com/directorio/seccion/alquiler/?wpbdp_sort=field-1 be directed towards him. It is a order levitra canada cure to those who face a lot of tension and stress in their lives. Frugal for my family, but not always for me. Especially those “small pleasure”: half-priced drinks at Sonic, ordering out because I’m too lazy or disorganized to cook. We’re working on sticking to a plan and trying Pear Budget (thanks for the tip from Meredith at Like Merchant Ships), but sometimes the more important goals– being good stewards; practicing delayed gratification, wisdom, and thoughtfulness with our money, and teaching these things to our children — gets lost in the fuss about numbers.

4 responses to “Mini-sermon, aimed at me”

  1. Meredith@MerchantShips Avatar

    I agree. I really loved that long-term observation from Frugal Hacks.

    The numbers are for me. Until I develop consistent discipline with the budget, it’s all too easy to tell myself a little extra doesn’t hurt.

  2. April Avatar

    I agree, the numbers are an important tool to help with the discipline. My problem is that the tool becomes the goal and the real goal gets tossed out the window. And then, when the goal is just numbers instead of a greater lifestyle/character goal, it’s easier for me to justify smudging the figures.

    Thanks for the pear budget recommendation. I’m loving it!

  3. pcoghlan Avatar

    You ladies are talking to the KING of “a little extra doesn’t hurt”

    That’s why the do as I say not as I do issues of frugality have been on my mind lately.

    Great post April!

  4. April Avatar

    Thanks & thank you for the original post. It was very timely.

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