Now, I know you may think the Christmas season started on November 1, or even the day after Thanksgiving, but today is actually the first day of Advent, the season where we prepare our hearts and homes for the Incarnation. Frankly, I just can’t get into Christmas until December. I think that means I’m holier than you.
Yesterday, we pulled down all the boxes and and began the bedecking of our halls. I know a lot of people go for the picture perfect Christmas tree and decorations, but I’m more of a Christmas tree as a memory book type of gal. Plus with four kids, three pets, and not the slightest naturally beautifying bone in my body, eclectic homemade Christmas is the best I can manage.

Today MTG put the lights on the house and I painted our front door, a project I’ve been intending to do for well over a year. Procrastination isn’t my middle name, it’s my official title.

The advent wreath is ready for our family devotions, if a little lopsided. I guess tilting candles will be a lesson in trusting Jesus. Our homemade nativity is coming together, although I still don’t have a removable baby Jesus. We’ll just have to cover him with a cloth until Christmas morning, which seems horribly disrespectful. Protestants don’t do mangers with removable baby Jesus, and it’s really putting a cramp on our Advent/Epiphany observations.
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More resources for the Advent season:
Desiring God has a free ebook of daily Advent readings.
This is the nativity we’re making. We don’t really have little hands anymore, but this will stand up to rough and tumble boys.
More Christmas/Advent ideas I’ve scavenged. It’s kind of sparse now, but as I mentioned, the season is only just beginning.
Let the festivities begin! Merry Christmas, everyone!
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