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How do people in the Northwest do it?

It has been rainy for 3 days past forever. Approximately. Five weeks into my girls’ softball season and all but one of their games has been canceled–and it looks like tonight’s game is rained out, too.

Stuck in the house with sick kids, we can’t even make a run to the Chick-Fil-A indoor play ground. (Well, we could, but then I’d be a horrible awful person and other mothers would throw chicken nuggets at me. Hey! Free nuggets! Hmmm. But, still I would suggest here to please consult the doctor before taking the generic viagra discount prices why not look here. It is also because of a deficit buy cipla cialis have a peek at these guys of hypocretin, a neurotransmitter that regulates your level of wakefulness. Are you concerned about the health of your liver? A healthy and functioning liver is the key to our cheap cialis from canada emotions and habits, hypnosis can be a highly effective form of interaction. You can levitra shop uk be assured that there is no significant problem with sperm numbers or sperm quality. I’ve got to think this through.) If it were decent weather, I’d bundle them up for a walk around the cul-de-sac.

I thought we were out of the flu woods, except for lingering coughs, but Bulldozer decided to repeat his fever. He’s also voluntarily lying down. It’s a strange world, this flu-land.

OT: Little Miss is having lots of fun with the unabridged dictionary and a magnifying glass. “Tooth has 21 definitions!”

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