
Happy Halloween!

That’s right:  Happy Halloween.  Not “Happy Reformation Day” (although that, too) and not “Happy Fall Festival”–cop out!  Happy Halloween, with costumes and trick-or-treating and “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.”  Oh, and Jack-O-Lanterns.

Jack-O-Lanter Silly:

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And Jack-O-Lantern Scary:

The scary guy was Bulldozer’s choice. It’s the scariest Jack-O-Lantern we’ve ever made and the first one either of the boys chose.  Coincidence?  I think not.
I’m a Halloween traditionalist.  None of this “Trunk-or-Treat” where you walk all of 100 yards and get your bucket filled.  If my kids want candy, they have to earn it with blisters!  We finished up the night with chili for the grumps and hot dogs and Charlie Brown for the kids.  And not enough trick-or-treaters to dent our candy supply.  Happy Halloween!

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