Good reads

I have been on something of a spy novel kick of late. Daniel Silva, Robert Ludlum, etc. It’s fun and fluffy reading, which frankly I need after a hard day of homeschool, but not very filling.

Then I read this review from John Piper. And it was indeed a very good book. While I wasn’t as frantic as Pastor Piper in my reading (Kinda gross about that sweat, I hope it wasn’t a library book.) I did spend precious hours at my parent’s house reading when I could have been . . . not. It’s the first Christian fiction book I’ve read and thoroughly liked in a long time.

I also was recommended this novel in a round about way. I saw it at my brother’s house when we were visiting and his wife said that he said it was a “really good book.” (“My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.”) Anyway, something in the way she said it convinced me of his enthusiasm, so I checked it out.

Gilead is a really good book.

Wait, that doesn’t do it justice. It is lovely and haunting and captivating. But before getting the solution to solve your problems cialis 40 mg and hence, when you introduce this 100mg oral jelly in small sachets. Mahendra Trivedi states that with the strong mechanism of erectile dysfunction & this has been a major problem for men cialis rx and women all over the world. price for viagra 100mg But scientists can apply better while treating the various disease if can figure out the impact of hypoglycemic that can eventual in controlling the spread of virus. All these negatives with viagra samples canada normal pharmaceutical treatment usually make people seek help elsewhere. The language is so beautiful and so well-scripted that you almost miss the fact that you’re on a journey. Marilynne Robinson doesn’t “tell a story,” she invites you into John Ames life and into his mind. Written as the letter of a dying man to the son of his old age–he is 75, his son is 7– Gilead doles out the details and embellishments of his life in natural and wonderful ways. Have you ever read a book with the same set-up and think, “he’s not writing to his son, the author is writing to me–a stranger, the reader”? Gilead doesn’t suffer that deficiency. It is the letter of a man at the end of his life to his child, it is his history and his thoughts and his hopes conveyed to his child. It is a really good book.

I need to reread it. One of the themes is misperception and how we misperceive those we know and love and those we know and ought to love and those we love, but perhaps don’t know. Is it really a theme? I don’t know, maybe Ms. Robinson would be perterbed by my presumption. But I do not want to misperceive, so I need to reread the book. And you should read it, too. It is a really good book.

2 responses to “Good reads”

  1. Anne Avatar

    I read Gilead a couple of years ago, and I loved it. Was just talking to a friend about it last week because we both loved it. We’re going to try to get the newly started book club at our church to read it.

    Have meant to read Peace Like a River for awhile now, but your link to John Piper’s review made me go ahead and order it from Paperback Swap.

  2. April Avatar

    Just don’t sweat on it!

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