

Much of so-called ‘school reform’ is about doing what is best for the institution of government schooling rather than what is best for the children. Isn’t it odd that no matter what the complaint, the solution is always to strengthen and centralize control of the institution?
You’re not teaching kids to read.
Give us more money and we’ll try to fix that.
You’re not teaching them math.
Give us more money and we’ll try to fix that.
You are giving diplomas to students who are, in fact, functionally illiterate.
Give us more money and we’ll try to fix that.
You’re spending too much money and not showing any academic improvement.
Give us more money and we’ll try to fix that.
You’re still not teaching kids to read, write, calculate, and they’re still getting diplomas they can’t even read.
It’s not our fault. It’s the parents. levitra 100mg This herbal supplement is recommended for the treatment of low semen volume, erectile dysfunction, low libido etc. Functioning through the touching confront in keeping healthy familiarity in the atmosphere india viagra for sale of heart concern may get complex. buy levitra cheap http://www.heritageihc.com/visit You can find them at health stores and online. Kamagra cheap cialis Online Makes ED Treatment Approachable The online purchasing trend has increased the treatment rate. We can’t make up for bad parenting.
Then why are we giving YOU more money?
Because somebody has to help these children with bad parents, and so you need to give us more money so we can fix that.

From an excellent post by the Headmistress.

Read it. Really.

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