
Dinosaurs and cellos

Okay, it’s not dinosaurs exactly. But it is the theme from dinosaur movies, with cello and piano. Geez, you’re such a stickler for accuracy.

Anyway, enjoy “Jurassic World Sonata.”


I did wish they would have had a dino eating Steve at the end. That would have been fun.
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In Dinosaur World related news, if you missed Chris Pratt’s hilarious pre-apology, you should really go read it.

In news related to the previous item, but not the first,

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This is not directed to anyone in particular but offered to anyone who needs it. Here’s a tip: if you were offended by either the “apology” or the gif, you need it. If you’re offended at the thought that someone, somewhere may be saying gif “hard g-gif” rather than “jif” you need it. Frankly, every last one of us will probably need this at some point today, so just embrace it. Have a great day!

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