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I don’t do Black Friday. Crowds make me antsy. “Don’t miss this deal! Buy! Buy! Buy!” gives me an anxiety attack. We did end up buying a refrigerator yesterday, but that was because our refrigerator died. On Thanksgiving Day. To quote Anne Shirley, “I am convinced of the total depravity of inanimate things.”

But other than that small (thank the good Lord for an emergency fund) purchase, I have no intention of going to any stores and probably won’t do much virtual shopping. But it’s ALWAYS a good day to buy books. Amazon is doing their annual promotion where you can get $10 off of a $25 book purchase. It has to be an actual, physical, hold-it-in-your-hands-and-smell-it book. Or books. Find all the details here. I got this Lord of the Rings hardcover boxed set
because our paperback set is falling apart. I’ll have to replace The Hobbit at some point too.
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There are also lots of digital deals. Audible has a TON of great books on sale for $4.95, including The Fellowship of the Rings, So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed
, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and tons of others.
(I got tired of scrolling on page 16, so make sure you’ve got plenty of time to browse.
You can also a three-book Dorothy Sayers combo for $1.99 for Kindle.
But remember: If you want to take advantage of the $10 off a $25 purchase, it must be a physical book. The deal ends Sunday night, so get to getting. Happy Book Friday!
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