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Blessed are the peacemakers

Our church is doing a series on Acts, and to day we reached the story of Cornelius and Peter (Acts 10). It was a really challenging message, which meant that it was one of those sermons that calls you to change how you think and act. Man, those chafe. Apparently, Jesus calls us  to actually interact in a meaningful and intimate way with people who are radically different from me.  The heck?

One statement really got me thinking about the church today–and I mean today as in July 14, 2013: “Jesus’ church is a union of all kinds of people.” Today, Jesus’s church is a union of people who have very different opinions about the outcome of the George Zimmerman trial.  There are people who feel justice has  been served and are satisfied with the result. There are people who deeply hurt and angry because they feel that justice was not done, moreover many feel that justice is rarely done for young black men.  I would hope there are no believers who aren’t mourning the death of a young man.

Christians are called to be peacemakers, which by its very definition means we must go into situations and places where there is conflict and even violence. We are to be peacemakers in the world and peacemakers in the church. We are to be make peace even when we disagree. That’s an impossible task in our strength and wisdom, but we know Christ has already made for himself a church of incredible diversity. We are simply (although not easily!) called to walk in his footsteps.
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Victor Montalvo pastors Reality Community Church which meets just blocks from where Trayvon Martin was killed. He wrote an excellent article that I encourage you all to read in full, but I found this advice to Christians particularly wise:

“So what do we do? We grieve. We pray. We pray for the Martin family, who is grieving the tragic death of their son. We pray for the Zimmerman family, who will never be the same after this experience. We pray for Sanford, which has a mountain of fear, distrust and racial tension to climb. We pray for our nation, who is still deeply mired in racial distrust. We pray for the Church, that we would be a beacon of hope and a shining example of Christ’s desires for our world.”

Pray for peace and be a peacemaker.

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