
Autumn Art

Autumn Leaves, John Millais

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We needed some new pictures for our home art gallery, so I hit the internet. Most of this are from artchive.com. Not being at all art-knowledgeable, I just looked for pictures that I liked.

I did look for one painting specifically: The Harvesters by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, whom we’re studying this month for Art Appreciation. (I’m using the Harmony Fine Arts Art and Music Appreciation curriculum. I really like the flexibility of the program.)

Another “Hey I know that guy!” painter is Thomas Cole from the Hudson River School.

A View of the Mountain Pass Called the Notch of the White Mountains (Crawford Notch), Thomas Cole 1839

View on the Catskill-Early Autumn, Thomas Cole 1837

Also of the Hudson River School,Twilight in the Wilderness, Frederic Church, 1860

Autumn, Thomas Moran c. 1893-1897

, Mary Cassatt 1880

Wheat Field Under Threatening Skies, Vincent Van Gogh 1890

Early Autumn, Montclair, George Inness 1891

Reviewing my choices, I seem to favor American artists of a certain era. I need to broaden my artistic horizons a bit.

2 responses to “Autumn Art”

  1. Renae Avatar

    Oh, these are very nice. I really like the Hudson River School, as well.

    Years ago (I don’t even want to figure out how many), we went to a Thomas Moran exhibit. Those images are still burned in my mind. They were absolutely breathtaking. The canvases were enormous and every inch reflected the beauty of creation.

  2. April Avatar

    The National Gallery of Art has the four Thomas Cole paintings, “The Voyage of Life.” That was my first introduction to the Hudson River School. As much as I appreciate the ability to look at these paintings in my own home,it’s nothing compared to the real thing in a museum.

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