A who over a what?

I was half-listening to the Newshour on NPR on the way back from the store when I heard this from the world editor of Time Magazine:

“As far as ordinary Chinese are concerned, I think for them this is a storm over a teacup.”

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Um, Mr. Editor, that’s “tempest in a teapot,” but I know what you mean. I’ll give him a break since English is not his first language.

The Headmistress
linked to this list of frequently misused words and phrases. I am embarrassed to say I have used some of these incorrectly. For example, did you know “fit the bill” is incorrect? It’s “fill the bill” as in fill the showbill. Yeah, I think fit the bill sounds better, too. But it’s wrong. I am really disturbed by people asking to drink skin milk.

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