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A PSA to big brothers and sisters everywhere.

Be kind to your younger siblings.

Do not make them ride in the hatchback of your 1985 Mustang.

Do not go along with your friends when they tell your kid sister she was a Cabbage Patch Kid my parents bought for me who came to life and we couldn’t return her to the store.

When they dress up in Wonder Woman Underoos and cowboy boots and close their eyes and cover their ears and spin around singing “Wonder Woman!” at the top of their lungs, do not consider it free entertainment for you and your friends.

Why? Because they’ll post this on your Facebook page.

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Thanks a lot, sis. I’m never blinking again.

In related news, Think Geek hates Christmas.

And in related related news, my sister is really adorable, and I love her, despite her Facebook cruelty.

(For all my non-geek readers, a short explanation of the Angels. Spoilerish if you think you’ll ever watch Doctor Who.)

2 responses to “A PSA to big brothers and sisters everywhere.”

  1. Carrie Avatar

    I think I did an excellent job of serving my revenge when you least expect it….20 odd years later on a random Friday. 🙂 I’m either a mastermind or it got a little too hot in that mustang. Still love ya!

    1. April Avatar

      That is an impressive long game, sis. I should probably watch my back when I’m 80, too.

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