Look at this couple and tell me it doesn’t remind you….

of this.
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Sorry for the earworm. Mostly.
Today is my parent’s 44th anniversary. I am so thankful for them, in particular their example of marriage. I’ve been thinking of just what about their marriage has been such an inspiration and encouragement to me. I think it’s the fact that not only has there never been any doubt that they love and respect one another, but they also supported one another in their dreams and goals 100%. My dad was a small business owner and my mother started a crisis pregnancy center (that she has since operated for 28 years.) In all their endeavors, they backed each other up completely.
I’ve never been able to abide people who bad mouth their spouse. Partly because it shows what a horrific judge of people they are (you CHOSE that person you are speaking of so poorly), but mainly because I have never heard my parents speak ill of each other. Sure, they got into arguments, but never did they tear one another down–either in private or public. Not only that, but in their discouragement and trials, they prayed together and held firm to the promises of God together.
What an amazing gift they have given their children and grandchildren. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.
3 responses to “44 years of an amazing example”
Wait… our parents were married less than 3 years apart? Whoa. Didn’t predict that.
Beautiful photo; beautiful writing. 🙂
Thanks, Marie!
Thank you sweetheart for the very special tribute. Wish I could find our real Mary Tyler Moore/Buddy Holly Picture for you. Love you Bunches!!!