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100 Word Challenge: The Snare


The meeting will come to order.

This is an update on the plan code-named the Snare. Despite some insistence that we should use an enticing facade to lure our targets (Yes, Mr. Wonka, I see you making those faces) we decided to take a different approach.

As Mr. Rochester noted, the pull of the mysterious and forbidden is strong. He suggested and we all agreed – most agreed, Mr. Wonka – that our snare should not have the stamp of authority but of subversion and foreboding.

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I’d forgotten how fun these are to do! The inspiration and prompter-extraordinaire for these is my friend Jimmie. Check out the original post here.

Take part in Friday Fiction (or whenever you get around to it — Saturday, for example)! The idea is simple: using the image as your inspiration/jumping off point, write a 100-word piece of fiction. (Or longer. Or shorter. Whatever.) It’s fun and challenging, and I love reading how different people are inspired by the same picture. Leave your link in the comments, leave your story in the comments, post on Instagram, or Facebook— whatever platform you want to use!  Be sure to tag me. I love reading these!

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